Sunday, October 23, 2011

My obsession tonight....

My obsession tonight isn't anything healthy but it won't kill your points if you are trying to follow the Point Plus system. I've had this box of Fralinger's Salt Water Taffy on my desk since before I started Weight Watcher's a month ago ( you can find this at It is only 4 points for 5 pieces and can I just say it is so worth it! They make the only black licorice that I can stand. The fact is that I am living a healthier lifestyle at this point but I still love my sweets every now and then.

And here we start....

I am wanting to start this blog for everyone who has just started or is struggling in Weight Watchers. The program is so easy, but finding new and exciting thing's to eat isn't always the case. My goal is to update at least three times a week with what new exciting things I've discovered and how many points it will take out of your total. Sometimes they will be my own creations and other times it will be a product that I just can't live without that won't kill your points! Hopefully this will help someone out there!